Research Interest

My research lies at the intersection of statistics, galaxy formation and cosmology, with a focus on both theory and observations. Particularly, I work on improving our understanding of galaxies and cosmology through the analysis of large-scale structure galaxy surveys, like the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). In the concordance Lambda cold dark matter cosmology model, collapsed structures of dark matter, so-called dark matter halos, constitute the seeds for gas to condense and form galaxies. Whereas dark matter halos are the subject of interest in cosmology, the relationship between them and galaxies, called the galaxy-halo relationship, is critical to our understanding of galaxy formation and evolution. My work in particular concentrates on the analysis of non-lienar scales where questions about cosmology and the galaxy-halo connection are closely connected. I employ a variety of different observational probes to explore these questions, including the clustering of galaxies, redshift-space distortions and galaxy-galaxy gravitational lensing.

More generally, I have a broad interest in many areas of astrophysical research. For example, I previously published work on the high-energy emission of gamma-ray bursts, the detectability of anisotropies in the diffuse gamma-ray background induced by dark matter annihilation and the rest-frame near-infrared emission of high-redshift galaxies.

Selected Publications

  • DESI Collaboration et al., including Lange, J.U.., 2024, “Validation of the Scientific Program for the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument”, AJ
  • Lange, J.U., 2023, “NAUTILUS: boosting Bayesian importance nested sampling with deep learning”, MNRAS
  • J. S. M. Karp, Lange, J.U., and R. H. Wechsler, 2023, “Anisotropic Satellite Galaxy Quenching: A Unique Signature of Energetic Feedback by Supermassive Black Holes?”, ApJL
  • Lange, J.U. et al., 2023, “Constraints on S8 from a full-scale and full-shape analysis of redshift-space clustering and galaxy-galaxy lensing in BOSS”, MNRAS
  • Leauthaud, A. et al., including Lange, J.U.., 2022, “Lensing without borders - I. A blind comparison of the amplitude of galaxy-galaxy lensing between independent imaging surveys”, MNRAS
  • Lange, J.U. et al., 2021, “On the halo-mass and radial scale dependence of the lensing is low effect”, MNRAS
  • Lange, J.U. et al., 2019, “Updated results on the galaxy-halo connection from satellite kinematics in SDSS”, MNRAS
  • Zentner, A.R.; Hearin, A.; van den Bosch, F.C.; Lange, J.U.; Villarreal, A., 2019, “Constraints on assembly bias from galaxy clustering”, MNRAS
  • Lange, J.U. et al., 2016, “Evidence for Non-stellar Rest-frame Near-IR Emission Associated with Increased Star Formation in Galaxies at z ∼ 1”, ApJL
  • Lange, J.U.; Chu, M.-C., 2014, “Can galactic dark matter substructure contribute to the cosmic gamma-ray anisotropy?”, MNRAS

You can find a full list of my publications on ORDiD and ADS.